Cut Out + Keep

Denim Vest From Recycled Denim (Version 2)

Denim vest with a bigger, boxier fit • Posted by Cheshire

I wanted to create a denim vest that was bigger, and with a simpler pattern than using paper and a dress form. Using a t shirt and some old pants, I created this **time on this project is an estimate, since I made it about a year ago Also, I apologize for the photo quality. I was using my phone and pretty inspired about the project, so I didn't have the steadiest of hands or take pictures with every step

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3 h 00


Medium 109242 2f2015 06 08 204456 20 Medium 109242 2f2015 06 08 204509 21


I wanted to create a denim vest that was bigger, and with a simpler pattern than using paper and a dress form. Using a t shirt and some old pants, I created this **time on this project is an estimate, since I made it about a year ago Also, I apologize for the photo quality. I was using my phone and pretty inspired about the project, so I didn't have the steadiest of hands or take pictures with every step


  1. Small 109242 2f2015 06 08 201036 20140322 100404

    Start by finding a t-shirt you don't want, that is approximately the size of the vest you want. Mine is an old shirt I got from a fundraiser, that I used as a paint shirt. I believe it is an adult large. Cut off the sleeves

  2. Small 109242 2f2015 06 08 201149 20140322 100614

    *not shown* Cut down the sides so you have a separated front and back *shown* Cut the front of the shirt vertically in half

  3. Small 109242 2f2015 06 08 201311 20140322 101959

    Cut off a one inch strip from the inside of one half of the shirt. It doesn't matter which half, but you only have to do it to one since we'll be using it as a pattern. I think at this point I also cut off the shirt collar, and the bottom hem with about a half inch added along to it.

  4. Small 109242 2f2015 06 08 201610 20140322 102340

    Cut off the top section of the shirt, horizontally. I cut a little more than halfway below the middle of the arm hole.

  5. Small 109242 2f2015 06 08 201717 20140322 102927

    Cut the remaining large piece into panels. I chose three, because it was the closest to the reference photos I was using.

  6. Small 109242 2f2015 06 08 201810 20140322 103306

    Cut the hem off the bottom of the back of the shirt. Make sure it matches the hem you cut off the front (see step 3)

  7. Small 109242 2f2015 06 08 201908 20140322 103502

    Now we'll begin cutting the back into panels. Using the piece from step 4, measure the same length on the back. Cut horizontally across the entire back.

  8. Small 109242 2f2015 06 08 202016 20140322 104142

    Cut the remaining large panel into smaller panels. I chose three, but you can do any sort of way you'd like.

  9. *not shown* Using your new pattern pieces, cut out the front and back from your material of choice. Remember to flip the front pieces when you're cutting the other side of the front. For me, I used an old pair of white pants for the six skinny panels of the front. (I also cut those pants into shorts- double re-purposing!) The rest (bottom hem, one inch inside hem, back panels, top front panels) I cut out using black denim.

  10. You should have: 6 skinny front panels, 2 top front panels, 4 bottom front hem (two for each side), 4 inside front hem (two for each side), 4 back panels, two bottom back hem

  11. Small 109242 2f2015 06 08 202420 20140322 131054

    Sew your three front panels together. Then, sew the top panel. You might have to trim it down a little, as the black piece doesn't have the same seam allowance as the white.

  12. Small 109242 2f2015 06 08 202618 20140322 153350

    Sew together your two inside hem panels on the longest side. Hem the shorter sides. I used a zigzag stitch during this entire project.

  13. Place the hem right sides together with the three skinny front panel piece and sew. Then, flip the hem to the inside of the vest, and sew.

  14. Small 109242 2f2015 06 08 203312 20140322 145619

    Repeat step 13 for the bottom hem.

  15. Small 109242 2f2015 06 08 203222 20140322 145815

    Repeat step 13 for the bottom hem.

  16. Small 109242 2f2015 06 08 203443 20140322 133728

    Sew the back three panels together, then sew the top panel on. Like the front top piece, it might have to be resized.

  17. *not shown* Sew on the bottom hem like you did the front bottom hem.

  18. Small 109242 2f2015 06 08 203959 17

    Sew the front and back together at the tops of the shoulders, and down the sides. I zigzag stitched about an inch away from the arm seams because I wanted a frayed look. If you don't want to have this frayed look, just hem the arm holes. This would probably be easier to do before you sewed the vest pieces together.

  19. Small 109242 2f2015 06 08 204128 18

    I had a collar that I used as a pattern. If you don't, just measure around your neck, and cut out a trapezoid. Your neck measurement should be the shorter top of the trapezoid. The longer the other parallel line, the bigger the collar.

  20. Small 109242 2f2015 06 08 204244 19

    Pin and sew the collar,right sides together.

  21. *not shown* to prevent fraying, I rubbed fabric glue along all the seams. You could solve this problem by using a surging machine, or lining the vest with another fabric, using the same pattern. I also cut out pockets, and fabric glued them onto the front. All that's left is to add patches and buttons to your heart's content!