Cut Out + Keep

Decor A Gift Bag

Nice tissue paper ruffles for a gift bag. • Posted by Caty C.

This is a classic and nice way of decoring a gift bag. Many of you might already know how to do it, but for those who dont, here it is!. I put a lot of pics coz i suck giving intructions, hope it helps.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium dscn0843 1210806109


This is a classic and nice way of decoring a gift bag. Many of you might already know how to do it, but for those who dont, here it is!. I put a lot of pics coz i suck giving intructions, hope it helps.


  1. Small 8858

    Here's what you need. (Look, that's Bubbles in the back! You don't need her, btw)

  2. Small 8893

    Cut your tissue paper into 6 squares of aprox 7in X 7in. It doesnt realy have to be perfect squares (mines arent), but dont make them to wide. You can also cut more of lss squares, depending on the size of your bag.

  3. Small 8894

    Grad a square from the middle

  4. Small 8895

    Then gather ...

  5. Small 8896

    and twist. You get a... let's call it a flower.

  6. Small 8897

    Do that with all the squares.

  7. Small 8898

    Tape 3 flowers on each side of the in side of the bag, aprox 1 1/2 in from the top.

  8. Small 8899

    And it should look like this.