Cut Out + Keep

Dandillion And Tango Can Photoshoped Images

A series of four images developed in photoshop • Posted by Kate A.

I had taken these images of a tango can in the grass next to a tree as part of a project. I decided to layer them with so painted background papers I had made to make some interesting effects. I made a series of 4. I think they look pretty good.

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 2 1249046284 Medium 3 1249046284 Medium 4 1249046300 Medium 1 1249046298


I had taken these images of a tango can in the grass next to a tree as part of a project. I decided to layer them with so painted background papers I had made to make some interesting effects. I made a series of 4. I think they look pretty good.
