Cute Tiny Owl

use up your felt scraps making this cute little chap :)

Posted by Arty Kitkat


I have loads of tiny scraps of felt left over from projects so I thought I'd make something with them. After seeing these cute buttons in my sewing magazine I came up with this simple pattern from a little owl.


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Thread in the same colour as the base
  • Embroidery Floss in several different colours
  • 5 different colours of Felt
  • 2 Bead(s)

Steps (3 steps, 40 minutes)

  1. 1

    Get your felt and cut out these shapes. They should give you a 2 body shapes, 2 wings, a breast and two eyes. You will also need 2 beads for his eye balls.

  2. 2

    Using one of the body shapes, sew on his breast, wings and eyes (in that order). I sewed little 'v's on his wings to make feathers and sews little stitches radiating out for his eyes. I also used a tiny diamond of felt for a beak (which isn't shown).

  3. 3

    Sew the beads in place for his eyeballs and get yourself some thread the same colour as his body. I used blanket stitch to sew around his body and stuffed him with a little cotton wool. I'm hoping to pick up some broach backs in the new year so I can turn him into a broach, although I'm also thinking of attaching a tiny loop of felt to the back to make a simple ring or possibly a key fob· Mine measures about 4.5cm by 6cms.