Cushioned Camera Strap

a chic and comfortable camera strap

Posted by Keeley C.


Tired of your camera strap cutting into your neck on those long days of taking photos? Well here's your chic solution!

**I'd like to note that this is a cover, not a whole new strap. Although you can customize it to make a brand new strap that is cushioned.**


You Will Need (7 things)

  • 12 in Fabric (1 or 2 types)
  • 12 in Batting
  • 1 Camera Strap
  • Thread
  • Iron
  • Iron on Adhesive (optional)
  • 1/2-1 inch Masking Tape or paper

Steps (15 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    Measure the width of your existing strap.

    This will be your guide.

  2. 2

    Decide how large the cushioned strap will be.

    I decided on 2x the width and added an inch to the length. This is all personal preference.

  3. 3

    Cut 4 pieces of your fabric and two of your batting. Batting should be cut slightly smaller than the fabric.

    (I am aware there are 4 pieces of batting in the picture.)

  4. 4

    Sandwich 1 piece of batting between 2 fabric pieces. Pin down.

  5. 5

    Make a guide out of paper or masking tape and pin it near one of the corners, as seen in the picture.

  6. 6

    Sew, if machine, needle center set; along the edge of your guide for a nice straight line.

  7. 7

    Stitch all the way through. Then stitch perpendicular to your stitched lines.

  8. 8

    Repeat steps 4-7 with the other two pieces of fabric and the other piece of batting.

  9. 9

    Cut four 1 1/2 inch by 6 inch strips of your fabric, or a second fabric.

    Mark the center of the strips. (3/4 inch)

  10. 10

    Iron the edges of the strips to the center line.

    Optional:You can use an iron on adhesive to create a sturdier edge.

  11. 11

    Cut 2 of strips into 3 inch strips and fold over the short ends on each quilted rectangle.

  12. 12

    Sew the strips onto the edges.

  13. 13

    Sandwich the two rectangular pieces together and pin the last 2 strips on the rough edges.

  14. 14

    Sew the strips onto the edges.

  15. 15

    Thread your existing strap through your new cushioned neck piece and enjoy!