Cthulhu The Cute

In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.

Posted by Hypergraphia


A friend of mine is a huge H.P. Lovecraft fan, so I made this little guy as a gift for him.

The construction was a bit difficult. The body was done in continuous rounds whereas the head had a slip stitch at the end of each round. After I figured that out (and sadly, I was half finished already 8D ), I pretty much had it down.

The little nubbly arms were a piece of cake, as where the wings on his back. The tentacles on his face were a pain to make solely because of how small they were. The book that I used also gave little detail on attaching them, so it was a bit of touch and go. I ended up anchoring them to the body with some nylon thread (which is visible on the wings in picture 4).

For all of my difficulties constructing him, I think he came out quite well 8D


You Will Need (3 things)

  • 1 skein Green Worsted Weight Yarn Yarn
  • 2 9.0 mm Safety Eyes
  • Stuffing