This is a little penguin dude I made to look like the little penguin dudes in Maple Story (see 3rd image).
Gave this to my brother for Christmas, he loved it! Although you can't see it in the pictures, I ran out of white yarn and had to switch to off-white for his butt! He still came out superbly cute though. :)
Xfluffy_unitatoX favorited Crochet Penguin Plushie! 19 Nov 19:09
Alex2:a L. favorited Crochet Penguin Plushie! 23 Jun 10:11
Shia H. added Crochet Penguin Plushie! to Cute! 29 Jul 15:15
Yarn~Zoo favorited Crochet Penguin Plushie! 05 Nov 03:13
You Will Need
Robin Z. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
so cute<33
this is the cutest thing i've evereverever seeen !
PLEASE post a tutorial ! ! x