Cut Out + Keep

Crochet Giraffe

Based on Crochet Giraffe by Alicia K. • Posted by

It was really hard and seemed oh so complicated at first. Then suddenly it was real easy. After finishing one I made three more... and started looking for another crochet project! If crocheting seems hard to you, give it a try and start with this pattern. It's actually a lot of fun and you can make all sorts of things :)

You will need


2 h 00


Medium pa100057 1286718308 Medium pa100031 1286718373


It was really hard and seemed oh so complicated at first. Then suddenly it was real easy. After finishing one I made three more... and started looking for another crochet project! If crocheting seems hard to you, give it a try and start with this pattern. It's actually a lot of fun and you can make all sorts of things :)
