Create A Vision Board

Create a Vision Board to help reach your goals!

Posted by Kathleen C.


Create a Vision Board to help you see your goals every day.


You Will Need (8 things)

  • Wooden Frame
  • Decorative Paper
  • Paper Cutter
  • Modge Podge
  • Sponge Brush
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Magazine(s)
  • Clear Acrylic Sealer

Steps (5 steps, 90 minutes)

  1. 1

    Think about the things that are important to you. Find some pictures out of magazines or online and cut or print them out.

  2. 2

    Cut your paper into 2 inch squares. Two inches is the size of the front of the frame. If your frame is a different size, you will need to cut the paper to match that size. A paper cutter makes quick work of cutting the paper.

  3. 3

    Cover your frame in Mod Podge, a few inches at a time, and attach your paper to the frame.

  4. 4

    Be sure to press the paper down well to prevent any bubbles. Repeat this all the way around the frame, making sure the papers are all the same direction if there is writing on them. I love the papers I picked. I was going for maps and travel.

  5. 5

    When you have your frame covered, allow it to dry completely, add a coat of Mod Podge all over the frame, allow it to dry completely and cover it again. After the frame is dry, spray it well with clear acrylic sealer. Before you spray, be sure the metal part of the board is completely covered with paper. I used painters tape to hold the paper down because it pulls up with no residue.