this lighting does no justice to how pretty this is :D
inspired by bread braids and is the best biscotti i've ever made
Step 1
preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
Step 2
cream together butter and sugar. Beat in eggs. stir zest. sift in flour and baking powder. Knead in the cranberries.
Step 3
separate dough into equal quarters. roll each one into a long "snakes", not too big. take two "snakes" and twist over each other. crank both ends the opposite way to complete the twist. it should be quite long and the size you want your cookies to turn out. (they won't look half as bad or like chromatids as the ms paint drawing does XP)
Step 4
cook for 10 minutes, take them out and slice them into desired length then cook for 10 more minutes.
Step 5
microwave chocolate separately on high for 50 seconds, stir then add an extra 15 seconds.
dip each end of the twists into the dark chocolate, and drizzle across with the white chocolate.
Step 6
refrigerate until chocolate hardens and enjoy n.n