Crackin' Easter Eggs :D

A fun alternative to chocolate eggs this Easter!

Posted by Sweet Pea


Saw this in one of my Grandma's old cookery books and had to give them a go. I thought they were brilliant but my boyfriend thought otherwise haha.


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Saucepans One for each colour you are using
  • Various Colours Of Food Coloring Various Colours Of
  • Egg(s)
  • A Teaspoon

Steps (4 steps, 10 minutes)

  1. 1

    Par-boil the eggs for about 4 minutes in salty water.

  2. 2

    Remove the eggs from the pan and carefully tap them all over with the back of a teaspoon. It doesn't matter if any small pieces of shell fall off, it will just add to the effect :D

  3. 3

    Put a generous amount of food dye in each pan, and bring back to the boil, placing the eggs in.

  4. 4

    remove after a few minutes, run under cold water and carefully take off the shell. Done!