Cut Out + Keep

Cosmic Bow

Day five of my 365 project. • Posted by Supernova's Child

I really love the galaxy trend. I really do, and I'm not a trendy person at all. If you duplicate this project, just a little tip: make sure you put brush strokes on the headband and all of the tiers of the bow. Also, the pics kind of suck...I got to borrow my fantasy camera for two weeks, and it's so hard to go back to my old one now...

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 20


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf1358 1 1325721955 Medium dscf1358 1 1325721972 Medium dscf1359 1325721988 Medium dscf1359 1325722090


I really love the galaxy trend. I really do, and I'm not a trendy person at all. If you duplicate this project, just a little tip: make sure you put brush strokes on the headband and all of the tiers of the bow. Also, the pics kind of suck...I got to borrow my fantasy camera for two weeks, and it's so hard to go back to my old one now...
