Cut Out + Keep

Corgi Plushie

This is one of the simplest dogs to knit. • Posted by Anova

The Corgi is a foxy dog, with remarkably short legs and an instinct for herding. Corgis are athletic and use their agility to nip at the heels of sheep and horses. No one seems to know why the Corgi is associated with Wales but there are two types, Pembroke and Cardigan; ours is a Pembroke, identified by having almost no tail. They are much loved by the British Royal Family (sixteen dogs), although there have been stories of the Royal Corgis reverting to their old herding ways with some visitors. Also much loved by my Aunt Joanie (a mere three dogs). Measurements Length: 16cm (61⁄4in) Height to top of head: 9cm (31⁄2in)

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4 h 00


Medium screen shot 2011 04 26 at 14.18.33 1303824231


The Corgi is a foxy dog, with remarkably short legs and an instinct for herding. Corgis are athletic and use their agility to nip at the heels of sheep and horses. No one seems to know why the Corgi is associated with Wales but there are two types, Pembroke and Cardigan; ours is a Pembroke, identified by having almost no tail. They are much loved by the British Royal Family (sixteen dogs), although there have been stories of the Royal Corgis reverting to their old herding ways with some visitors. Also much loved by my Aunt Joanie (a mere three dogs). Measurements Length: 16cm (61⁄4in) Height to top of head: 9cm (31⁄2in)


  1. Right Back Leg With cr, cast on 9 sts. Beg with a k row, work 2 rows st st. Row 3: Inc, k1, k2tog, k1, k2tog, k1, inc. (9 sts) Row 4: Purl. Rep last 2 rows once more.* Work 3 rows st st.** Row 10: Join in wa, p4wa, p5cr. Row 11: Inccr, k3cr, k4wa, incwa. (11 sts) Row 12: P4wa, incwa, p1wa, inccr, p4cr. (13 sts) Row 13: K5cr, incwa, k1wa, incwa, k5wa. (15 sts) Row 14: P6wa, incwa, p1wa, incwa, p1wa, p5cr. (17 sts) Row 15: Cast (bind) off 5 sts cr, cast (bind) off3stswa,ktoendwa(hold9stsonspare needle for Right Side of Body).

  2. Left Back Leg Work as for Right Back Leg to **. Row 10: P5cr, join in wa, p4wa. Row 11: Incwa, k4wa, k3cr, inccr. (11 sts) Row 12: P4cr, inccr, p1wa, incwa, p4wa. (13 sts) Row 13: K5wa, incwa, k1wa, incwa, k5cr. (15 sts) Row 14: P5cr, p1wa, incwa, p1wa, incwa, p6wa. (17 sts) Row 15: K9wa, cast (bind) off 3 sts wa, cast (bind) off 5 sts cr (hold 9 sts on spare needle for Left Side of Body).

  3. Front Leg (make 2) Work as for Right Back Leg to *. Row 7: Knit. Row 8: Purl. For right leg: Cast (bind) off 4 sts, k to end (hold 5 sts on spare needle for Right Side of Body). For left leg: K5, cast (bind) off 4 sts (hold 5 sts on spare needle for Left Side of Body).

  4. Right Side of Body Work in wa throughout. Row 1: Cast on 1 st, with RS facing k5 from spare needle of Right Front Leg, cast on 10 sts. (16 sts) Row 2: Purl. Row 3: K16, cast on 8 sts. (24 sts) Row 4: Purl. Row 5: Inc, k23, with RS facing k9 from spare needle of Right Back Leg, cast on 2 sts. (36 sts) Row 6: Purl. Row 7: K35, inc. (37 sts) Work 5 rows st st. Row 13: Inc, k36. (38 sts) Row 14: P2, p2tog, p34. (37 sts) Row 15: K33, k2tog, k2. (36 sts) Row 16: P2, p2tog, p32. (35 sts) Row 17: K31, k2tog, k2. (34 sts) Row 18: P2tog, using st on right needle as first st, cast (bind) off 23 sts, p to end (hold 10 sts on spare needle for right neck).

  5. Left Side of Body Work in wa throughout. Row 1: Cast on 1 st, with WS facing p5 from spare needle of Left Front Leg, cast on 10 sts. (16 sts) Row 2: Knit. Row 3: P16, cast on 8 sts. (24 sts) Row 4: Knit. Row 5: Inc, p23, with WS facing p9 from spare needle of Left Back Leg, cast on 2 sts. (36 sts) Row 6: Knit. Row 7: P35, inc. (37 sts) Work 5 rows st st. Row 13: Inc, p36. (38 sts) Row 14: K2, k2tog, k34. (37 sts) Row 15: P33, p2tog, p2. (36 sts) Row 16: K2, k2tog, k32. (35 sts) Row 17: P31, p2tog, p2. (34 sts) Row 18: K2tog, using st on right needle as first st, cast (bind) off 23 sts, k to end (hold 10 sts on spare needle for left neck).

  6. Small screen shot 2011 04 26 at 14.20.25 1303824372

    Head When sewing on the ears, slightly curve the cast on row to give the Corgi its alert expression. Neck and Head Row 1: With wa, and with RS facing k10 from spare needle of Right Side of Body then k10 from spare needle of Left Side of Body. (20 sts) Row 2: Purl. Row 3: K2tog, k16, k2tog. (18 sts) Row 4: Purl. Row 5: K4, k2tog, k6, k2tog, k4. (16 sts) Row 6: Purl. Row 7: K13, pult (pick up loop below next st on left needle by inserting tip of right needle from back through loop – this stops a hole forming when turning work – then turn, leaving rem 3 sts on left needle unworked). Row 8: Working top of head on centre 10 sts only, p2tog (first st of p2tog is loop picked up at end of last row), p9, pult. Row 9: K2tog, k9, pult. Rep last 2 rows once more. Row 12: P2tog, p9, pult. Row 13: K2tog, k to end. (16 sts) Work 3 rows st st. Row 17: K2togwa, k5wa, join in cr, k2cr,k3wa, pult (leave 4 sts on left needle). Row 18: P2togwa, p2wa, p2cr, p3wa, pult. Row 19: K2togwa, k2wa, k2cr, k3wa, pult. Rep last 2 rows once more. Row 22: P2togwa, p2wa, p2cr, p3wa, pult. Row 23: K2togwa, k2wa, k2cr, k5wa, k2togwa. (14 sts) Row 24: P2tog wa, p2wa, p2togwa, p2cr, p2togwa, p2wa, p2togwa. (10 sts) Row 25: K3wa, k4cr, k3wa. Row 26: P3wa, p4cr, p3wa. Row 27: K2togwa, k6cr, k2togwa. (8 sts) Row 28: P1wa, p6cr, p1wa. Work 3 rows st st cr. Cast (bind) off in cr.

  7. Tummy With cr, cast on 6 sts. Beg with a k row, work 2 rows st st. Next row: K2tog, k2, k2tog. (4 Work 9 rows st st. Next row: Inc, k2, inc. (6 sts) Next row: Inc, p4, inc. (8 sts) Work 26 rows st st. Next row: K2tog, k4, k2tog. (6 Next row: P2tog, p2, p2tog. (4 Work 4 rows st st. Next row: Inc, k2, inc. (6 sts) Work 2 rows st st. Next row: Inc, p4, inc. (8 sts) Work 2 rows st st. Next row: Inc, k6, inc. (10 sts) Work 11 rows st st. Next row: K2tog, k6, k2tog. (8 Work 3 rows st st. Next row: K2tog, k4, k2tog. (6 Work 3 rows st st. Next row: K2tog, k2, k2tog. (4 sts) Work 5 rows st st. Next row: K2tog twice. (2 sts) Next row: K2tog and fasten off.

  8. Ear (make 2 the same) With wa, cast on 6 sts. Knit 6 rows. Row 7: K2tog, k2, k2tog. (4 sts) Knit 4 rows. Row 12: K2tog twice. (2 sts) Row 13: Knit. Row 14: K2tog and fasten off.

  9. Small screen shot 2011 04 26 at 14.22.12 1303824366

    Body When sewing up, match the curve of the tummy with the leg shaping, sewing up one side then the other.

  10. Small screen shot 2011 04 26 at 14.20.16 1303824379

    Collar With bl, cast on 24 sts. Knit one row. Cast (bind) off.

  11. Small screen shot 2011 04 26 at 14.18.33 1303824465

    To Make Up Sew in ends, leaving ends from cast on and cast (bound) off rows for sewing up. Using mattress or whip stitch, sew up legs starting at paw. Stuff all four legs. Using mattress or whip stitch, sew down centre back, around tail and down bottom. At head, fold in half and sew cast (bound) off edges of nose together. Using mattress or whip stitch, sew cast on row of tummy to bottom end of dog and sew cast (bound) off row to nose. Ease and sew tummy to fit body, matching curves to legs. Leave a 2.5cm (1in) gap between front and back legs on one side. Turn right side out, stuff then sew up gap with mattress stitch. Sew ears to head as shown in photograph. Using black yarn, embroider the nose using satin stitch and make two French knots for eyes. Sew ends of collar together and slide over head onto neck.