Cut Out + Keep

Comic Shoes

Based on Comic Shoes by Elle • Posted by kathleenserene

I had an old pair of heels that were originally gold (whoa, I know) which I had then spray painted black. That worked for a while but eventually, the paint started to chip. Rather than repainting them I decoupaged them with snips from People & OK! and the like. They're Pop Couture. =P

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1 h 00


Medium photo on 2011 07 16 at 21.54 1310868757


I had an old pair of heels that were originally gold (whoa, I know) which I had then spray painted black. That worked for a while but eventually, the paint started to chip. Rather than repainting them I decoupaged them with snips from People & OK! and the like. They're Pop Couture. =P
