Collage Badge (Pin, Button)

A fruitful collage creation to wear!

Posted by Suki F.


I made this as a gift for a friend, to celebrate fruitfulness.

To make my collage badges, I start with an idea, often a meaningful word.

Then I find images for my collage:

- a background (often a pattern, but in this case it was the main image - a pomegranate held by female hands)

- decorative elements (in this case a fabric flower, and a little ladybird for luck)

- letters of the right shape, size, font and colour to form the word of my choice

I cut out the background to the right size (this is a 38mm badge) and then I carefully cut out and glue on all the other elements.

Super-sharp, small scissors are vital. You also need tweezers to catch hold of tiny pieces of paper. I use pritt-stick glue.

Then I use my special badge-maker to put it all together, et voilà!

I have this thing at the moment for taking pictures of my badges outside in our lovely garden - in this image I've propped it against a ripe Victoria plum!


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Glue
  • Badge Maker
  • Paper
  • Scissors