Chocolate Cups

Chocolate Cups

Posted by Super Madcow


These are a great easy to make treat.

You can make them with dark, milk or white chocolate or a mixture of different chocolate. White cups with dark filling etc.


You Will Need (3 things)

  • 4 oz Chocolate
  • 1/2 cup Heavy Cream
  • 6 oz Chocolate

Steps (8 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    Melt the 4 oz chocolate.

  2. 2

    Brush the inside of mini cupcake wrappers with the chocolate.

    Allow to set.

  3. 3

    Heat the cream until boiling.

  4. 4

    Add the 6 oz of chocolate.

  5. 5

    Cover the bowl with cling film & allow to sit for approx 5 mins, until the chocolate is melted.

  6. 6

    Allow to cool then put in fridge for 15-20 mins until stiff but not set.

  7. 7

    Pipe the chocolate into the chocolate cups & refrigerate until needed.

  8. 8
