Yummy Choccy Lip Balm for Sweet Girls <3
FOR HONEY: Combine three tablespoons of vaseline or petroleum jelly with one teaspoon of honey. Warm in the microwave, using 30 second increments, until melted. Or melt over low heat in a double boiler.
FOR BERRY: Follow the directions for Chocolate Lip Gloss, but replace the cocoa with strawberry, raspberry or blueberry drink crystals or berry flavored kool-aid (with sugar already added).
PLEASE NOTE: When you put this on you only need a little and you need to rub it in really well so you don't end up with completely brown lips. XD
ALSO: If you want more or less just doble or half the measurements.
nina.b added Choccy Lip Balm to Cosmo 08 Nov 11:43