Cut Out + Keep

Chevron Friendship Bracelet

:) • Posted by manilla

basicly a v shaped bracelet. better than the candy stripe

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Medium mady 010 1278965163 Medium mady 008 1278965282


basicly a v shaped bracelet. better than the candy stripe


  1. Small mady 3 001 1278967060

    gatther your supplies and fold the thread or floss in half and tie a knot at the top and tape it to a flat surface.

  2. put your thread in this order:123 321

  3. put the thread on the right side out of your way.Use number 1 and double-knotit on number 2 and 3. Now the order should be 231 on the left side

  4. do the same on the right side now the order should be 231 knot the two number 1s together like so

  5. repeat steps 3 and 4 until your desired length

  6. Small mady 001 1278966744

    now it should look like this. this is the one i did last night when cok was down last night please leave comments so i can make my how to s better