Cut Out + Keep

Chanel Drip Earrings

A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous • Posted by marilynmunster

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 20


Nice & Simple
Medium imag0691



  1. Small chaneldrip

    Download this image, resize to about three times the size you wish the earrings to be. Print out and cut carefully.

  2. Small imag0689

    Blue tac the image to your shrink plastic and cut out carefully. Using a paper hole punch, make a hole near the top of the interlocking C's. Use a craft knife to cut out the gap between the C's

  3. Bake the plastic in a 160°C oven for about two minutes until the plastic has stopped moving and shrinking. Place a book on top of the plastic once removed in the oven so that they remain flat.

  4. Small imag0690

    Once the plastic has cooled, attach the jump rings and earring hooks. You now have a fabulous pair of earrings that cost next to nothing!