Cut Out + Keep

Card Folder

A Folder out of playing cards • Posted by FallenAngel

Sorry I didnt have any pictures of putting it together i did this awhile ago and didnt have the stuff to make it again. If you have any questions just ask.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium 100 7019 Medium 100 7018


Sorry I didnt have any pictures of putting it together i did this awhile ago and didnt have the stuff to make it again. If you have any questions just ask.


  1. Get What you need.

  2. Lay your cards in 3 rolls of four and then 3 lay sideways. Repeat for the other side.

  3. Run tape down the front and back of each colum of cards and them vertacally to.

  4. Next tape 8 cards sepertally together.

  5. Then put the to sides together and get four cards bend them in the middle and tape to the 2 sides.

  6. tape the 8 card to the bottom tape the bottom and sides leave top open.

  7. Put your papers in and close it. And your done