Cut Out + Keep

Button Bracelet

A lightweight and versatile knotted button bracelet • Posted by CraftyHope

I’m a lover and collector of buttons. Realizing that I should really make something with at least some of them, this bracelet pattern was born. It’s a quick and easy project, and the resulting bracelet is lightweight and fun to wear. As well, it comes together quickly so you can make one to go with every outfit.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium 115135 2f2016 10 12 143803 button%2bbracelet%2bvintage%2bbuttons%2bpretty%2bsweet


I’m a lover and collector of buttons. Realizing that I should really make something with at least some of them, this bracelet pattern was born. It’s a quick and easy project, and the resulting bracelet is lightweight and fun to wear. As well, it comes together quickly so you can make one to go with every outfit.


  1. Small 115135 2f2016 10 12 144201 1%2bgather%2bsupplies%2bto%2bmake%2bthe%2bbutton%2bbracelet%2bwaxed%2bcord%2bshank%2bbutton%2bscissors%2bhole%2bbutton

    Gather supplies (more buttons are pictured than needed)

  2. Small 115135 2f2016 10 12 144537 2%2bmake%2bknot%2bin%2bwaxed%2blinen%2bcord

    Fold the cord in half and tie a knot just below the bend at the middle, forming a loop. This loop should be large enough for the shank button to just barely fit through.

  3. Small 115135 2f2016 10 12 144757 3%2bslide%2bfirst%2bbutton%2bon%2band%2bnestle%2bagainst%2bknot

    Insert one of the ends of the cord into the back of your first button. Slide the button all the way down to the knot, nestling it into the knot so it sits flat.

  4. Small 115135 2f2016 10 12 145331 4%2bpull%2bfirst%2b%2bcord%2bbacl%2bto%2bshow%2bhole

    Pull that first cord back, exposing the top of the first hole.

  5. Small 115135 2f2016 10 12 145806 5%2bboth%2bends%2bof%2bcord%2bthrough%2bfirst%2bhole%2bin%2bbutton

    Insert the second cord end into the top of and through the first hole. Pull tight. (You should now have one cord coming out of the top and one out of the bottom of the button.)

  6. Small 115135 2f2016 10 12 150826 6%2binsert%2binto%2bsecond%2bhole

    While holding that second cord, go ahead and insert it into the back of the second hole. Pull it tight and toward the knot. (Both cord ends should now be coming out the top of the button)

  7. Small 115135 2f2016 10 12 151041 7%2bboth%2bcords%2bthrough%2bthe%2bsecond%2bbutton%2bhole

    Insert the first cord through that same second buttonhole, pull tight. Pull both cords away from the loop.

  8. Small 115135 2f2016 10 12 151326 8%2btie%2bknot%2bagainst%2bbutton

    Holding both ends of the cord together, tie a knot and tighten it against the button.

  9. Small 115135 2f2016 10 12 151556 9%2brepeat%2bsteps%2bto%2bform%2bmost%2bof%2bbutton%2bbracelet

    Repeat steps 3-8 until the bracelet is almost as long as you want it. I’ve found that 7-9 buttons usually work, depending on the size of the buttons and the wrist you want to fit.

  10. Small 115135 2f2016 10 12 151821 10%2bthread%2bshankk%2bbutton%2bonto%2bcord

    Thread your shank button onto the end of one of the cords. Pull it toward the knot, but not flush – leave some wiggle room.

  11. Small 115135 2f2016 10 12 152131 11%2btie%2bdouble%2bknot

    Cross your cords and pull one end through, pull the knot toward the button but not tight against it. Repeat for a strong double knot.

  12. Small 115135 2f2016 10 12 154235 12%2btrim%2band%2bglue

    Trim the ends of the cord fairly close to the knot. Add a drop of glue to secure the knot (optional).

  13. Small 115135 2f2016 10 12 154341 button%2bbracelet%2bknotted%2bwaxed%2bcord

    Additional Note: If any of your buttons have 4 holes, use the same procedures – the second hole will just be the one diagonally across from the first one.