Cut Out + Keep

Brass Knuckle Cord Tidy

Good for defense and keeping your headphones in order • Posted by Kin Dragon

I forget how long ago I made this, but I put it aside and forgot about it. I found 2 cord org ionizers I made but this one I like the most. I originally had a temporary tattoo of a kaji character for Honor. But I remember it rubbed off. But that would have been very fitting for it to be on there.

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium brass knuckles cord tidy


I forget how long ago I made this, but I put it aside and forgot about it. I found 2 cord org ionizers I made but this one I like the most. I originally had a temporary tattoo of a kaji character for Honor. But I remember it rubbed off. But that would have been very fitting for it to be on there.
