Cut Out + Keep

Braaaaaaain Cake!

Saw the tutorial and had to make it for my Halloween party :D • Posted by Leo R.

It was perfect for my party :D Think I might have grossed my friends out too much though... Bean Boozled too.. Hmm.. xD By the time of the party the golden syrup and red food colouring mixture had sunk into the cake.. Didn't look as good D: Sorry for the late upload - I fail at uploading pictures :/ It was more fidgety than hard and the marshmallow mix was refusing to stay on for me D; Hope you like it :D x

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Medium dscf0014 1291720886 Medium dscf0019 1291720948 Medium dscf0022 1291720927 Medium dscf0020 1291724673


It was perfect for my party :D Think I might have grossed my friends out too much though... Bean Boozled too.. Hmm.. xD By the time of the party the golden syrup and red food colouring mixture had sunk into the cake.. Didn't look as good D: Sorry for the late upload - I fail at uploading pictures :/ It was more fidgety than hard and the marshmallow mix was refusing to stay on for me D; Hope you like it :D x
