Cut Out + Keep

Bonbon Christmas Cards

Cracker Christmas Card • Posted by tiffany.shaye

Bonbon Christmas cards that open like a bonbon with a cracker inside so that they crack like a cracker when opened. The right side is the card side and it slides in and out of the left side, the envelope side.

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


6 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 112514 2f2015 12 16 235813 20151213 103834 Medium 112514 2f2015 12 16 235849 20151210 115342 Medium 112514 2f2015 12 16 235855 20151210 141240 Medium 112514 2f2015 12 16 235902 20151210 141247 Medium 112514 2f2015 12 16 235908 20151210 144507 Medium 112514 2f2015 12 16 235914 20151210 213101 Medium 112514 2f2015 12 16 235829 20151213 154332 Medium 112514 2f2015 12 16 235817 20151213 105349


Bonbon Christmas cards that open like a bonbon with a cracker inside so that they crack like a cracker when opened. The right side is the card side and it slides in and out of the left side, the envelope side.
