Cut Out + Keep

Bloody Hair Comb

Oh bloody hell... • Posted by Jessy

On one of my many adventures through Goodwill, I found this lovely white rose. And I thought to myself, "This rose deserves to be covered in blood." So off I went, to fetch my paint and glue gun....

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium dscf3095 Medium dscf3093 Medium dscf2812 Medium dscf2814


On one of my many adventures through Goodwill, I found this lovely white rose. And I thought to myself, "This rose deserves to be covered in blood." So off I went, to fetch my paint and glue gun....


  1. Small dscf2784

    First I trimmed off the leaves and other plastic bits from the wire stem.

  2. Small dscf2786

    This pic looks like a train wreak doesn't it? So out comes the trusty glue gun. I glued the petals together, so they don't look as messy and so it looked like an actual rose.

  3. Small dscf2790

    Much better. Now for the blood.

  4. Small dscf2792

    Now take your paint and splatter it all over the rose. But not too much. Don't want it to look too messy.

  5. Small dscf2794

    This side got a little too smeared looking. Which is why this is now the back.

  6. Small dscf2798

    Now glue on a few leaves.

  7. Small dscf2802

    And now you glue it to your hair comb.

  8. Small dscf2814

    Then I glued in two white leaves. I also added in these black and green thingys. I have no clue what they're called. I found them at the Goodwill in the fake flower section. I think they might be some kind of bouquet filler.

  9. Now just stick it in your hair and act as if you didn't come from a murder scene. Since these kinds of combs don't like my thin hair, I have to wear it with my hair twisted up.