black angry bird pattern
Apparently these angry birds are getting more popular, even my six year old son decided they are worthy of his attention. Since we live in a coutry were they are a rarity (not much popularity here), i could only manage to find red and yellow bird and he wanted black one so badly. After a long rampage on the net I couldn't find a decent pattern, so I took red bird I bought and took their pattern. It turned out great, i really like the shape of it(most important of course). It could also be used for other birds, and so if anyone else want to make these crazy birds, feel free to use this (of course for your personal use, I don't think Rovio would like us see earning on this ;).
Well, I'm off sewing other angry, angry birds.
Rebecca M. favorited Black Angry Bird 18 Jun 03:09
Dada M. entered her project Black Angry Bird to Secret Santa 07 Jan 21:23
Dada M. published her project Black Angry Bird 30 Dec 14:33
Dada M. posted this project as a creation without steps
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