Bird Hoodie

cute and simple upgrade for your hoodie

Posted by murca ..


I made a bird hoodie for my kid's christmas play. Took me a few hours to finish cause I was taking pictures and inventing on the go.
Inspired from the monster hoodie project.


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Hoodie
  • Sewing Equipment
  • Felting Needle
  • 3 colors of Felt

Steps (10 steps, 120 minutes)

  1. 1

    get your sewing equipment and think about a bird.
    here's an example:

  2. 2

    cut a felt square for the beak. half of it will be inside the hood to give it some support

  3. 3

    attach the beak with head pins. now try the hoodie on to see if it looks ok

  4. 4

    sew the beak on from the inside. make sure the tip doesn't shift from the center line of the hood.

  5. 5

    eyes. two grey circles, two smaller black circles...

  6. 6

    ... and two really small white dots to make it cute :)

  7. 7

    use a felting needle to attach circles together.

  8. 8

    put the hoodie on, try different places for eyes.
    then sew the eyes on the sides of the hood

  9. 9

    make a simple felt feather and sew it on the top of the hood.

  10. 10

    all done. yay