Cut Out + Keep

Belle Cake

disney belle cake • Posted by Catherine Charlwood

My friend's daughter loved Disney so I attempted to make a Belle cake for her. This was the end result! All I did was bake a cake, cut a hole in the centre, stick the doll in (I managed to get my hands on a Belle doll) then use rectangles of icing to make the dress ans hold the doll in place. By curving the icing at the bottom it makes the dress look more real and covers up any mistakes.

You will need

Project Budget


5 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium belle cake 1275047782


My friend's daughter loved Disney so I attempted to make a Belle cake for her. This was the end result! All I did was bake a cake, cut a hole in the centre, stick the doll in (I managed to get my hands on a Belle doll) then use rectangles of icing to make the dress ans hold the doll in place. By curving the icing at the bottom it makes the dress look more real and covers up any mistakes.
