Beaded Peace Sign Pendant

Everyone needs a peace pendant! Here's an easy way to make one :D

Posted by Humuhu


I noticed there wasn't a peace pendant tutorial on this site so i decided whip one up myself :D This is my first how-to so please excuse my flaws! :)


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Pliers
  • Wire cutters or a pair of BIG Scissors I used scissors :P
  • Bead(s)
  • Beading Wire

Steps (9 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    First things first - Decide how big you want your pendant to be. Once thats
    done, make a loop at one end of the wire.

  2. 2

    Now string some beads through the wire.

  3. 3

    After stringing your beads, shape the wire into a circle and twist it around the first loop and fix it into shape. Voila, a circle is made!

    P.S. Remember to keep a little space cuz you're gonna have to twist some more wires onto this one.

  4. 4

    Now take a new piece of wire a little bigger than the diameter of the circle. Twist one end of the wire around the loop of the circle so that the wire goes straight down.

  5. 5

    And let the beading begin!

  6. 6

    once you're done beading twist it on to the circle vertically below the point where you tied the first end of the wire. Remember, space between the wire is your friend!

  7. 7

    now take a long piece of wire. You'll need to twist it in the middle to make the two line-thingys (excuse my lack of vocabulary :P )on the side. I cut around a diameter and a half for this pendant. Once you've cut the wire twist it around
    the circle like in the picture. Then, bead through it.

  8. 8

    after beading some of the wire, twist it around the middle line. Make sure the twists are secure. Then bring it around the other side.

  9. 9

    You're almost done! Bead through the rest of the wire as needed and twist the
    remaining wire to the circle. Presto! You're done with your beaded peace pendant. Lovely, no? xD