Cut Out + Keep

Balsamic Chicken

Balsamic Chicken • Posted by Super Madcow

This is a good, tasty dish. It can be prepared the night before & left in the fridge overnight.

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 50


Pretty Easy
Medium 115156 2f2016 10 15 070502 wp 20161014 003


This is a good, tasty dish. It can be prepared the night before & left in the fridge overnight.


  1. Small 115156 2f2016 10 15 070543 wp 20161014 001

    Put all ingredients ( except the chicken stock ) into a dish. Marinade the chicken for at least 1 hour.

  2. Small 115156 2f2016 10 15 070554 wp 20161014 002

    Heat oven 200 degrees. Pour the chicken stock over the dish. Mix to combine.

  3. Small 115156 2f2016 10 15 070608 wp 20161014 002

    Bake in the oven for approximately 50 mins, until the chicken is cooked through.

  4. Small 115156 2f2016 10 15 070616 wp 20161014 003
