Cut Out + Keep

Baby Carrier Cover

Reversible Baby Carrier Cover Tutorial! • Posted by Jenny Garland

In anticipation of Baby #2, we recently pulled out Kate's old Baby Bjorn. I noticed it's a bit faded and well, drabby looking. I looked online and you can buy a Bjorn cover if you want to shell out big bucks. Or... you could make one yourself and save lots of $$. I'll show you how :) This cover will fit all Baby Bjorn® carriers, the Evenflo Snugli® Carrier, Jeep® 2 in 1 Baby Carrier, and the Infantino® Euro Rider Soft Baby Carrier.

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Project Budget


2 h 00


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In anticipation of Baby #2, we recently pulled out Kate's old Baby Bjorn. I noticed it's a bit faded and well, drabby looking. I looked online and you can buy a Bjorn cover if you want to shell out big bucks. Or... you could make one yourself and save lots of $$. I'll show you how :) This cover will fit all Baby Bjorn® carriers, the Evenflo Snugli® Carrier, Jeep® 2 in 1 Baby Carrier, and the Infantino® Euro Rider Soft Baby Carrier.


  1. Small 18280

    Pull out your new, used, or borrowed baby carrier. Take off the straps so you just have the body of the carrier.

  2. Small 18281

    Find the center points (lengthwise) of the carrier and trace onto posterboard. Add 3/4" seam allowance (dotted line) around pattern. Be sure NOT to add seam allowance to the middle line (this will be our fold line).

  3. Small 18282

    Trace pattern onto two coordinating fabrics (be sure to fold fabric on fold line). Cut out.

  4. Small 18283

    Fold edges 5 edges 1/4" on wrong side of fabric. Fold again 1/4" and stitch close to the fold line.

  5. Small 18284

    Place both pieces right sides together. Pin and serge/sew using a 1/2" seam allowance. Remember not sew over areas you just top stitched!! If you sew, be sure to finish the edges with a zigzag or overcast stitch.

  6. Small 18285

    Turn right side out. Press. Insert baby carrier body. Reattach straps. Kate calls this a "belly basket" - how cute is that? :) * This carrier cover would look really cute with a pocket, monogram, ruffle, or ric-rac! Go crazy :)