Altoid Tin Pagan Altar

portable little altars

Posted by † Wayward Deer †


these are perfect for people on the go or for people like me who are stuck in the broom closet. they are very discreet if you don't decorate the outside.


You Will Need (8 things)

  • Altoid Tin
  • Birthday Candles
  • Crystals
  • Seashells
  • Small Mirror
  • Copy Paper
  • small Pen
  • Time

Steps (5 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    you need to go out and get a tin of altoids. once the tin is empty make sure that the inside is clean.

  2. 2

    once you have cleaned your tin trace it and draw or print out an image. choose something that represents your spiritual beliefs or something that inspires you such as pictures of nature. many people choose to use the deity they pray to and call upon. mine has some personal symbolism that represents my beliefs.

  3. 3

    cut your picture out and tape or glue it to the inside of your altar.

  4. 4

    gather your objects that you are going to put in the tin. I have some white birthday candles, a bit of mirror, s seashell, some matches, scraps of paper, a small pen, and some various crystals and rocks.
    I have something that I use as a representation of each of the elements.
    candles: fire
    crystals: earth
    seashell: water
    and the matches are kind of a combination of air and fire.

  5. 5

    stick all of your objects inside of your tin and you're good to go! keep in mind that you can customize your pocket altar however you see fit. some keep incense or vials of oil in theirs. I had neither so I obviously didn't put those in mine. you can keep those things, leaves and herbs, anything you see fit.