Cut Out + Keep

Alice's Shoe Trouble

What to do, when there are no decent shoes to be found in wonderland? Make your own! • Posted by Medea

I saw those plain white canvas shoes the other day for only 5€ and had to buy them. It took me some time to decide on the motive, but finally i ended up with two of my favorite Alice in Wonderland characters. They were fun and difficult to paint and let me tell you, the amout of make-up on that hatters face would make him a drag queen erverywhere else than wonderland -.- I've put on a base of white acrylic before adding color, cause shoes suck paint like nothing else and tomorrow I'll spray them with varnish and finally take off the masking tape Can't wait to try them on =)

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Project Budget


10 h 00


Medium img 3781 1273534128 Medium img 3780 1273534154 Medium img 3785 1273534163


I saw those plain white canvas shoes the other day for only 5€ and had to buy them. It took me some time to decide on the motive, but finally i ended up with two of my favorite Alice in Wonderland characters. They were fun and difficult to paint and let me tell you, the amout of make-up on that hatters face would make him a drag queen erverywhere else than wonderland -.- I've put on a base of white acrylic before adding color, cause shoes suck paint like nothing else and tomorrow I'll spray them with varnish and finally take off the masking tape Can't wait to try them on =)
