Alice pinup embroidery
I made this for an embroidery challenge. Its my first. The challenge was to alter a pattern they provided, mine ended up looking really different than the original! I learned to embroider with the internet, there is a very detailed explination on my blog that also features the pattern.
Barbara M. favorited Alice In Wonderland Pin Up Embroidery With Pattern! 07 Sep 16:11
Chudames favorited Alice In Wonderland Pin Up Embroidery With Pattern! 27 Jul 08:39
lala1229 favorited Alice In Wonderland Pin Up Embroidery With Pattern! 05 Aug 07:15
lynn.wagner.501 favorited Alice In Wonderland Pin Up Embroidery With Pattern! 27 Sep 10:33
lynn.wagner.501 added Alice In Wonderland Pin Up Embroidery With Pattern! to Projects 27 Sep 10:33
You Will Need
Step 1
Start by printing and transfering the pattern onto your fabric of choice. A pillowcase is a great way to start. Another option is a clothing item, but unless its 100% cotton the stretchiness will become a problem while embroidering.
Transfering a pattern can be tricky if you dotn have a iron on pen. Use a light box or tape the pattern intoa sunny glass window. Place your fabric over the pattern and set it in place with some tape. make sure its strtched and free of wrinkles (iron it if necessary). If you are using light colored fabric you will be able to see the pattern on your fabric. Use a pencil to lightly trace the pattern. Do not use a pen, otherwise you will not be able to erase it after you are done. Pencil marks will wash off easily. -
Step 2
If you wish to tint the piece, it must be done BEFORE you start to embroider.Color inside the pattern lines always in the same direction. Place a clean sheet of white paper on your ironing table, place the colored fabric face down on this paper and place another sheet of white paper over it. Set your iron on the proper temperature for watever fabric your usuing. Iron over the paper for a few minutes making sure you iron over all the colored parts. Lift your paper and you will notice some of the color stayed on the fabric but the rest is stuck on the paper. Re color any areas taht lost too much colorand repear the steps above with NEW clean paper. Now you are ready to start stitching!
Step 3
Use an embroidery hoop to stretch your fabric. And embroider away!
For video tutorials on diferent stitches visit the video library of Needle-n-thread: http://www.needlenthread.com/2006/10/video-library-of-hand-embroidery.html -
Step 4
Diferent tipes of embroidery can be used. I did all the lines with backstitch, some pieces like the hairbow in satin stitch. The teacup details I used french knots and seed stitch for the green things.
I would love to see what you make of it!
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