Alice Band

cute headband decorated with a flower

Posted by lucykatecrafts



You Will Need (5 things)

  • Craft Glue
  • 5 in cut into a triangle Fabric
  • small piece Feather Boa
  • thin, enough to wrap the band in Ribbon
  • plain plastic Alice Band

Steps (6 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    First, spread some glue on the alice band, and beginning at one end, wrap the ribbon round and round to cover the plastic. Keep going until the whole band is covered with ribbon. Leave to dry.

  2. 2

    Next, fold the fabric triangle in half, lengthways, and beginning at the smallest, tapered end, roll the fabric up.

    Continue rolling, and as the flower gets bigger, you may need to make some tucks in the fabric to turn corners. Just make sure the folded edge creates the outside edge of the flower petals and the unfinished edge is held, centrally underneath so it is hidden.

  3. 3

    Once all the fabric is used, tuck under the last unfinished edge and anchor the whole lot in place with a few stitches in some matching coloured thread.

  4. 4

    So, there we now have a finished flower!

  5. 5

    Decide where abouts onto the headband you want the flower to go, and glue in place. Use pins to keep it secure until the glue has dried.

  6. 6

    Between the band and the flower, also glue in place a small length of lace or marabou feather trim. This will hide any untidiness and also add a little more glamour to the design (although, if while doing this, the glue gives way and the flower pops off like mine did, you can add a few stitches to secure everything to the ribbon if need be)