Cut Out + Keep

Album Cover Shirts

Spiffy music needs spiffy shirts • Posted by LastKoalaBear

if you're like me, all the bands you like are underground and no one knows who the heck they are. obviously this means you cant buy their merch. why you ask? cuz they don't have any... so here's how to make your own shirt for your fave band(s)!

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Project Budget


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium spiralbeach 031 1270273503


if you're like me, all the bands you like are underground and no one knows who the heck they are. obviously this means you cant buy their merch. why you ask? cuz they don't have any... so here's how to make your own shirt for your fave band(s)!


  1. Small spiral beach spiral beach cover art 24987 1270273726

    first chose the band you love the best. then one of their albums. the band i did was Spiral Beach. album: the only really thing.

  2. Small spiralbeach 006 1270273908

    then using chalk (or what ever you use) draw out the album cover onto the blank shirt.

  3. Small spiralbeach 028 1270273997

    then gather all of your painting stuff such as: the paint, brushes, paper towel etc.

  4. Small spiralbeach 029 1270274072

    now start to paint. i do the lightest colour first then gradually work to the darkest on. for this shirt i did yellow, then blue, then black. and then i put glow-in-the-dark paint over the yellow so i can be spiffy...when in the dark

  5. Small spiralbeach 030 1270274190

    you're done! now go rock your new shirts