A Line Skirt (Dark Brown)

ankle-length, A-line, skirt

Posted by nhothman89



This was my first trial of making an A-line skirt; 100% hand-stitching. I have learnt through this first experience on how to hand-sew things better and nicer - to fasten the snap buttons neatly, to sew hems and seams on clothes, and et cetera. YEA! ♥


UPDATED (2nd February 2011):

It was originally a "creation", but I decided to convert it into a "how-to". I've to honestly admit that I am not good in giving instructions neither a talented seamstress, but, hopefully you'll get
the basic grasp (in sewing this simple A-line skirt) that I am trying to share it with you.

You may add anything to your skirt as creative as you can be. Have fun! :D


You Will Need (5 things)

  • 4 Snap Button(s)
  • 2 m Any Fabric
  • Needle
  • Any Thread
  • Zip

Steps (10 steps, 720 minutes)

  1. 1

    I'll be using an A4 paper in this instruction (as a replica for our cloth :P )

  2. 2

    Equally fold your cloth into two.

  3. 3

    Measure your waist and your ankle-length.

    Make a pattern that somewhat looks like this.

    REMEMBER: We are working on the inside of your cloth (or some people would say, "the wrong side of fabric")

  4. 4

    From that waist part, make a mark where you'll sew your zip. Preferably a short one; mine is only 9.5".

  5. 5

    Cut your cloth according to that pattern.

    Don't forget to save an extra of 1-2 inches for sewing.

  6. 6

    After you have finished cutting, it would look something like this.

  7. 7

    If you don't have a sewing machine (like me), double fold all edges (using that extra 2 inches) and nicely sew a straight line through it.

    If you have an over-lock sewing machine, simply use it to trim the edges.

  8. 8

    Starting from the bottom of your cloth till the end your zip part, sew a straight line.

  9. 9

    After you have finished sewing that straight line, it would look something like this (from its front view).

  10. 10

    This is the back your of skirt. Carefully sew your zip now.

    I made a rectangular band and sewn it along my waist part. Then, I had also sewn a few snap buttons there. I think it'd be nicer and more secure.

    Turn your skirt inside out. You are finished.