Cut Out + Keep

A Hat For Your Phone :D

This is a super easy phone accessory. • Posted by Candy Orange

This is a super cute and easy phone accessory.If you have never worked with a loom I suggest going to youtube and watch a how-to video or just google how to loom knit. No matter if you know how to loom knit this is very very simple,perfect for people who are just starting out with the loom.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 20


Nice & Simple
Medium 0130131326 Medium 0130131327


This is a super cute and easy phone accessory.If you have never worked with a loom I suggest going to youtube and watch a how-to video or just google how to loom knit. No matter if you know how to loom knit this is very very simple,perfect for people who are just starting out with the loom.


  1. Small 0129132309

    First get all the stuff you need.Start by tying on to your loom.

  2. Small 0129132310

    Cast on your yarn two times around the pegs.

  3. Small 0129132312

    Start by taking the first loop on the bottom and bring it over the top, repeat this all the way around.

  4. Small 0130131209

    Keep going around like before until it measures about 2' or 3' in. or until it is the length you want.

  5. Small 0129132316

    About half way through untie the yarn on the first peg.

  6. Small 0130131217

    When the mini hat is the length you want thread your tapestry needle and start taking off your stitches on the loom.Once the are all off tighten your string to close the gap at the top. Tie off your yarn.

  7. Small 0130131318

    Sorry about the color change when I was making the other mini hat I forgot to take the pictures. So when you get all done your mini hat will look like this.

  8. Small 0130131319

    Thread your tapestry needle again.

  9. Small 0130131319a

    Take your needle and run the string through every other stitch.

  10. Small 0130131321

    When you have gone all the way around the hat, put it on your phone and tighten the string make sure to get it a little tight.This is so your hat will not fall off.Cut off the ends of the string

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    Cut another piece of string the size of your mini hat around.

  12. Small 0130131323

    Wrap the string around the hat and tie it off.Cut off the ends.

  13. Small 0130131324

    After you tie the string off this is what your finished mini hat will look like. Now your phone will not get cold in the winter :D