Cut Out + Keep

5 Minute Chocolate Mug Cake!.

Based on 5 Minute Chocolate Mug Cake!. by ɐɯlɐ! • Posted by K M.

Cake making to celebrate our friend's 4th birthday!!! We used this recipe (1 batch each) and round 2c pyrex baking/storage containers. Baked at 350 (took about 15min). They had a blast! and about 30min to make... because baking with kids always takes longer!

You will need


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium 108781 2f2015 05 06 174549 img 0068 Medium 108781 2f2015 05 06 174543 img 0065 Medium 108781 2f2015 05 06 174554 img 0070 Medium 108781 2f2015 05 06 174607 img 0066


Cake making to celebrate our friend's 4th birthday!!! We used this recipe (1 batch each) and round 2c pyrex baking/storage containers. Baked at 350 (took about 15min). They had a blast! and about 30min to make... because baking with kids always takes longer!
