3 Fun Ways To Gift Wrap

Make gift giving fun!

Posted by Bernice


I love wrapping gifts almost as much as I love giving them. Whether you want to thank your child’s teachers, show your friends how much you appreciate them or simply want to show up to a dinner party with a hostess gift, a beautifully wrapped gift is always a thoughtful gesture. Here are 3 ways I wrapped gifts this year.


You Will Need (1 thing)

  • Pompoms

Steps (5 steps, 60 minutes)

  1. 1

    FOR TEACHERS: I picked out an assortment of specialty cookies and chocolates. I packaged them in a simple gift bag and topped it off with a festive pom-pom. To make the pom-pom:

  2. 2

    POM-POM: Wrap yarn around cardboard about 40×. Take the yarn off the cardboard and tie it tightly in the middle.

  3. 3

    Cut the loops and fluff the yarn. Use scissors to trim the yarn to make it circular.

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    FOR KIDS: I know Max is too young to remember his first Hanukkah, but I still wanted to find fun ways to wrap his gifts. I used colorful felt paper, tissue paper, pipe cleaners and feathers to create different monsters.

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    FOR GIRLFRIENDS: I was inspired by Studio DIY’s Emoji gift wrap post and picked out a few of my favorite emojis.