Cut Out + Keep

2 Dimentional Lips

inspired by stylist magazine • Posted by

I created this look inspired by a photograph from Stylist Magazine (a Free weekly UK magazine I collect) I'd encourgae you to try different complimenting and contrasting colours and would love to see somebody else's version!

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 15


Pretty Easy
Medium p1030898 Medium p1030836 Medium p1030897


I created this look inspired by a photograph from Stylist Magazine (a Free weekly UK magazine I collect) I'd encourgae you to try different complimenting and contrasting colours and would love to see somebody else's version!


  1. Small p1030843

    Pick out 2 complementing lipsticks. I have chosen a deep purple and a deep red.

  2. Small p1030841

    Apply on the lighter colour on your lips first. And then take a brush and apply the darker colour aroung the edge as if it were a lip liner or you can alternatively use lip liner but be a generous.

  3. Small p1030844

    Blend the colors together.

  4. Small p1030842

    And now you can Blot with a tissue.

  5. Small p1030839

    And there you have it 2 dimentional lips!