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Kathleen H.

Meet the Author

Hey there, can you introduce yourself?

Medium biopic


Tell us a bit about the book?

A - The idea is to do one special thing each of the 24 days leading up to Christmas. It takes a little inspiration and a some organization to make it happen, and that’s where the Very Merry Advent guide saves the day. The ebook has 100+ ideas for advent activities, a printable calendar, and 30+ interactive craft projects, recipes, papercrafts, audio tracks, and video tutorials. Heidi designed many of the printable projects and her quirky, vintage style is a perfect fit for the book. If you love holiday baking, crafting, and celebrating then this guide is made for you.

What was the inspiration behind it?

A- I’ve always jealous of Heidi's daily advent photos on Instagram. If there was an Olympic event for celebrating, she’d take the gold every time. I had the idea to create an Advent organizer based on how Heidi celebrates the holidays and I was thrilled when she agreed to partner with me to make the ebook a reality.

Which is your favourite project?

H- I love the bird ornament video, I just love vintage style ornaments and Amanda did an awesome job making videos.
A- Heidi’s printable skills are top-notch and I adore the milk carton house box she designed. It’s got her signature style but it’s retro and classic at the same time. I can’t wait to make them this December.

What is your craft space like?

H - I live in an old house where the attic was finished and turned into a 3rd floor studio. I have filled it with toys, books, and supplies that inspire me.
A - The top level in our rental house is one big, open living space. It’s usually trashed with Legos, fabric, art supplies, and everything else. Luckily everyone in the family likes to make things so nobody minds the mess. I try to keep it from trickling down the stairs.

Have you always been creative?

H- I've always loved making things and grew up with two parents who also both were very creative. My mom sewed and my dad made paintings and sculpture.
A - I go through phases of feeling uninspired or burnt-out like anyone else, but it’s usually not long before I get itching to start making things again. I like to change it up a lot, and working on diverse projects and collaborations suits me perfectly.

When did you first start crafting?

H- As far back as I can remember my sisters and I made things with my mom. I can't remember the first thing I ever made but I do remember one if the first things we made was clothespin reindeer.
A - I got in trouble in 1st grade for stealing tissues to make little flowers. I hid them in my desk, the teacher said I was wasting supplies! Hopefully my other early projects were more happily received. My mother and grandmother were, and still are, very crafty ladies and they influenced me greatly.

Who are your crafty heroes?


Where do you find inspiration?

H - Vintage kids, books, and crafts.
A - Same here, definitely anything vintage. I also loved those old late-night infomercials from the 90’s. I think they inspired me as child to be authoritative and show people how to do/make things.

What's next for you?

H - We are hoping to collaborate on future ebook projects.
A - I’m really into multimedia products right now. It’s a great time to be a maker, so much possibility! It’s been a treat teaming up with Heidi and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for next year.


With a little creativity and some organization magic, you relax and enjoy the holidays without missing a thing. The Very Merry Advent Guide helps you plan your best, most memorable holiday season, so you can relax with a mug of hot cocoa and start making memories.


amalia.syamra · Kampar Kiri, Riau, ID · 12 projects
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amalia.syamra · Kampar Kiri, Riau, ID · 12 projects
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