Sample Projects
Meet the Author
Hey there, can you introduce yourself?

My particular way of working I developed when at home looking after my two, now adult, children,
Leaving Art school in the sixties I had intended to become a painter, but a practical necessity to make heavy curtains led me to composing images in cloth and develop a love of folk art.
By chance I was offered the opportunity to exhibit my work and continued to do so to this day.
Tell us a bit about the book?
Fabric pictures is in no way a project led book. The emphasis is on using simple techniques to develop your own’voice’. There is however one simple step by step as a guide line, but readers will be encouraged to make their own piece more personal.
What was the inspiration behind it?
Helene Lesger who had been the editor on the Dutch editions of previous books (we had kept in touch and become friendly over the years) had started her own company “Books Rights and More’ contacted me to suggest that we worked together again to make a new book. My idea was then to write a book as though I was taking a workshop, as I so enjoy giving them and am invited to do so worldwide these days. We worked on this idea and developed this particular book.
Which is your favourite project?
Favourite project not applicable to this book
What is your craft space like?
My workroom is what was once the master bedroom in my house, now a dedicated workspace, housing fabrics, collection s of objects, books and bits and pieces that one day I may use.
, Shelves, plan chests, boxes and baskets keep my working materials in some sort of order although it is never very tidily organised and I wouldn’t want it to be.
Have you always been creative?
As a child I enjoyed making things, and in particular arranging objects, for example making pretend flower gardens from flower heads sticks and stones out in the country side.
When did you first start crafting?
I have never ‘crafted ‘and never will I hate the word !! I cannot remember the first thing I made.
Who are your crafty heroes?
As I admire the work of so many people working in a variety of mediums this is difficult to say,
Winifred Nicholson, Alfred Wallace, Mary Newcomb, are the painters that spring to mind.
Folk art is dear to my heart, again executed in all mediums.
My favourite quilter must be some of the quilters of Gees Bend, A group of whom I had the pleasure to meet when teaching at ‘The Stitchin Post’ in Oregon a few years ago.
The first persons work I saw who was a great I influence was a reclusive lady, Elizabeth Allen, she was a retired seamstress, picture making with the materials she had to hand. Her work was being shown at the Crane Kalman gallery in London, here was someone using fabric to make her images in the same way as I had just started to do in the sixties. Though at this time I had no idea that I would ever be invited to exhibit my own work, rather working simply to please myself, and this is exactly what my book encourages makers to do at all times.
Where do you find inspiration?
Inspiration comes from all walks of life, memory, imagination, and direct visual stimulus. The fabrics themselves can evoke images, these evocative memories that fabric can inspire is one of the great joys of working in this medium. Sometimes inspiration comes from a combination of many different ideas as I allow each piece to take on a life and reality of its own
What's next for you?
MY main activity is making my images, these days I am very fortunate to be invited to teach and exhibit all over the world. I just have to be careful to preserve enough time to myself in my workroom
Publisher's Description
To call what Janet Bolton makes with fabric 'patchwork' doesn't do justice to her creations - hers are images, pictures that capture fragments of an imagination that can strike anywhere, at any time.
In Fabric Pictures, Janet shows you how to create beautiful pictures on fabric. Taking you through her personal method, she will guide you to find the inspiration around you and teach you how to turn your creativity into a textile project and develop your personal 'voice'.
The book is divided into two main sections - the first on how to find inspiration, the second on how to put your ideas into practice, complete with a step by step example that will show you every stage of construction from beginning to end. Just like in her workshops, Janet's guidance in the book is friendly, reassuring and inspiring - once you finish your first project you won't be able to wait to start the next.