Dangles and Bangles: 25 Funky Accessories to Make and Wear
by Sherri Haab · Michelle Haab · Published by Watson-Guptill
Publisher's Description
With the right bracelets, rings, belts, earrings, and charms, a tween or teen can really go places—just look at mall stores that sell nothing but small accessories. They're boooooming! But most tweens and teens enjoy crafting as much as shopping. (Well, almost as much.) Dangles and Bangles shows those crafty young girls how to make their own fun, funky, unique accessories for special occasions and every day. Candy wrapper jewelry, pop—top belts, peek—a—boo toe rings, fishing—lure bracelets, duct—tape backpack purses—they're all in here, not at the mall. Help those tweens have fun, look great, and save their disposable income so they can buy more books!
• Fun format-easy to use!
• Authors' books have sold over 2.5 million copies worldwide
Illustrated by Barbara Pollak