Tim Burton Themed Swap

My first time hosting Happy
A swap on any tim burton films and short films as well as his stories and poems. ive wanted to do a Tim burton swap for ages but never got around to it. The send out will be january 28th signup from now till 2nd january. This will be a small swap 2-3 small items
Heres the form:

I will be joining the swap so heres mine:
Name: DizzyDisaster (becca)
newbie or vet:vet
Country and state/provence:sydney australia
International postage:yep
Fave Tim Burton Films characters and poems: all of the films but sweeney todd 9 and mars attacks are my faves, my fave short is franken weenie
Any stuff you would not like to recive in a swap: nothing i ca think of at the moment

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4 replies since 4th December 2011 • Last reply 4th December 2011

I'd love to join, but when is the send-out date, etc? As I have a lot of swaps going on right now..

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as rawr.rawr said, dates and the general "volume" for the swap would be great, i really wanna take part in an official swap on here again but i´m a bit occupied by my graduation and need a bit of planning time! but by all means a great idea!

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EDIT: Sorry i have to drop out now. I dont have enough time this month, & didnt get as much money this christmas as i hoped, so i wont be able to do the swap afterall. Happy Im really sad, bc i love this idea.

Maybe sometime later in the year will be better. Good luck all!

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Small items

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