Tim Burton Swap!

Anyone up for a Tim Burton themed swap? Anything hand made that is related to Mr. Burton's wonderful work. If anyone's up for it, let me know! Happy

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100 replies since 12th November 2009 • Last reply 12th November 2009

Hey Rena I havent seen you in a loooooooooooooong while! Where have ya been hiding lol. I love tim burton but I am totally overwhelmed with swaps and xmas present making. So I must sit this one out, very tempting thu. lol

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Yeah, darn you for making this now! Would be totally down for it later though.....

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hey sug! been working and trying to balance a full load of classes with everything else!

if i cant get enough people for this, ill postpone it till january Happy

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OMG I would love to do it but I have a few swaps going.
I would love it if you do it later.
OMG I nearly wet my pants when I saw TIM BURTON swap EEEEPPPPPPP

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AHH! Tim Burton I LOVE!!! but like these other ladies I am swamped Happy I would be able to do it after the holidays though!!!!!!

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definatly will participate if its in january

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If you postpone it for jan then I will jump in. Glad to see you back on the boards Happy

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i'm in now ...or january

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well it looks like im gonna have to wait till january. but thats fine Happy ill repost this then!

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I'm in too, so I will be keeping a look out for this one!!

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Me too MY oldest daughter and I would love to participate!!

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woooo hooo I'm in for January!!! Happy

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i love burton--corpse bride, especially. Happy ive never done an online swap, though, so methinks ill still be a bit nervous and discombobulated come january. :-P

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I'm in for January too Happy

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