Twilight Swap!! *Closed*

157 replies since 4th June 2009 • Last reply 4th June 2009

tell me what you want and who you like so i can make it for you! Happy

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make her a lifesize replica of her fav that would be fun but maybe creepy

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as of now i am anti bella/edward!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaahhh bella makes me so mad!

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sug what book are you on? cause i'm pretty sure this feeling may pass

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3rd book...after chapter makes no sence...the more she talks the more she irks me...she sounds so self fish, and overly obsessed and forgets that anyone else exsists in her little "oh edward" world...and edward is so easlily "woooo-ed" by her and seems to not have a personality for himself...its just agrovating!!!! Venting over for now thanks!

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Yeah, I read Eclipse, she was a whiner to me too. I thought she would drop dead at some point cuz she couldn't be with Edward. And was annoying to me too was that she actually thought she could help. Come on Bella, you're a mere little mortal who can't really defend yourself, you need to stay out of the way so no one has to worry about you anymore than they have to. I liked the read but Bella was a pain in the head, literally. She gave me a headache.

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ah yes who could be so selfish man i'd a beat her

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Cabo?? I need help on your end on what you want so i can get started Happy?

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Sorry about the lack of response. I've had very limited internet access these past few days. As far as characters I like, I'm partial to Jasper and Alice. I've always liked Jacob more than Edward (cough. I'll get flogged for this) although I do appreciate a hot vampire when I see one ;]
As far as items I want...I'd rather just leave that in your hands 'cause your New Age swap stuff was awesome! so I fully trust you. If you need more ideas though, I'm sure I can come up with something.

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thank you Cabo, just need your wrist measurements, I got ideas flowing now Happy

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Yay! My wrists are 6" exactly so I usually wear a 7" bracelet.

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Thank you my dear, now in full twilight mode here i come Happy

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I've made two things already, I'm loving this swap, the creative juices are flowing!

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dani i have to stop i have made so much stuff and i bought one thing

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I watched the film again last night and i've just re-read twilight and back on New Moon so i'm getting loads of new ideas! This is going to be a great swap

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