Have origami, looking to trade

First forum post, and I hope this is okay! I just got through selling a bunch of my origami at Anime Weekend Atlanta, but I still have some leftover! I'd like to trade some of it for other crafty things (namely plushes or doll clothes), would anyone be interested? I mainly have some random stuff, plus about 12 or so Dinosaur Mystery Eggs (origami eggs with various dinos in them). I'm also open for commissions. Here are some examples of my work.

Utahraptor, which is one of the dinosaurs I put in the Mystery Eggs Happy

"Eeveelution" Pokemon (I have a few of these)

A Z'gock (robot from the Gundam series)

Dratini (a dragon Pokemon)

A doll (with removable clothes!)

If anyone would like more pictures, my deviantART is http://androidraptor.deviantart.com , or if you want a pic of something specific, just let me know!

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6 replies since 2nd October 2008 • Last reply 2nd October 2008

wow i visited your site, your awesome at origami! Keep up the good work!

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^_^ I will trade with you
I see you like pokemon I will make you a plushie of one a really cool one with a pokey ball and everything!
For maybe an eveeie and the origami egg i just have to see this... I love origami I just never knew you could make an egg and put a little guy inside thats so cool. I make little crane earrings and stuff nothing big

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Could you make a Mew? Or a Shinx? I'd love either one of those! Anything in particular you'd want, Pokemon wise?

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Mmm the evees are cute or jigglypuff or tanemon (she's a digimon) she's like a huge ball kinda with a little plate out of her head

I think i can held making a mew or shinx
Do you want it small for a cellphone chain or a little bigger for many a keychain or to put on your bag. or just something to sit on your desk?

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A small plush that's not a keychain would be nice. I can make both Eevee and Jigglypuff Happy

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^___^ Aww that would be so cool
Okay I'm getting started on your plushie now I don't know which I'm going to make yet. I guess whoever I can draw better hehe

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