Notifications not in line with numbers on projects

Hiya all

I've noticed recently that I'll get a notification saying 'so-and-so has favourited x project', but when I have a look at the project it's not registered it (eg - one project claims to have three faves, and I've had notifications for 5 or 6, another shows 0 faves and I've just had a notification through for it's first fave).

Is anyone else having the same issue and if so does it eventually fix itself? How do I report it if I need to?

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3 replies since 19th February 2012 • Last reply 19th February 2012

I haven't had this problem, but it could be the person who added it deleted it from their favorites. (I do this all the time. I accidentally add a project to my favorites, so then I delete it.)

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Ah possibly - thanks, hadn't thought of that. Just seemed odd that it was on multiple projects.

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If it was on multiple projects, it was probably a problem with the sight. Maybe the project just hadn't updated the number of favorites. Check again, and if it still hasn't changed, contact Tom or Crafterella.

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