E-mail Notifications

I have received a ton of notifications this past week and half from people leaving comments on my projects and asking to be my friend but I haven't received a single notification from anyone favoring any of my projects which is a little weird for me. I don't get a favorite every day but I do usually get at least one a week! I know someone was complaining about her getting these notifications earlier but I love receiving them and thanking those who favorite my work. I checked my settings and it was checked to receive notifications when someone favorites my work so am I just not getting any favorites or am I really not getting the notifications?

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10 replies since 18th March 2011 • Last reply 18th March 2011

I'm not getting them either. And for some reason my notification button at the top of the page, is still displaying day old notifications as the current ones.

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Pammerz, the same is happening with my notifications, they don't seem to be updating. I'm also having problems with friend activity list that comes up on my profile page. It's showing the wrong people against some posts.

Sorry PinkWeeds, I don't know about the faves as I have removed all my projects. I won't be on here much now but I do wish you both good thoughts and hope it gets fixed.

Ps...I changed my profile from Sheila A, just in case I confused you x

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I asked Crafterella about it here is the message I got...

"Hey Mod,

Yeah we're completely overhauling the notifications system. We're going to have daily emails that go out and round everything up for you - all your favourites, comments, versions etc. But for now, check out the new notifications drop down in the top bar and that'll tell you about all your favourites!

Sorry about that, it'll all be up and running soon."

I too like the emails. I hardly ever get emails and it kind of makes me feel important :0) But I hope that helps y'all.

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do you still have the same problems with the e-mail notifications?? because I'm still not receiving them... Happy

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yep- still not getting them.

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good to know I'm not the only one Happy

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I've recieved a load of emails today about messages that myself and Tessa have sent eachother on here... but they were old ones that were sent weeks ago!!

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I got the same problem as Loll.Bot. I got 3 e-mails today of old messages. And if I scroll over the Notifications at the top the last one is 8 hours ago. But only about 30 minutes ago someone replied to the Inchies thread and the HappyGram-thread.
So that isn't working properly at the moment.

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when you click on "see all" it will show up all new notifications.

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The same thing's happening to me! Ahh!

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